Pretty Boy is fake but not tat person he lies, in real he was pretty boy! He started beating those guys prettier than TY!! but he didn't do any girls! Ty than called nao to F*** Off but she didn't cz she believe tat all fakers deserve worse than it. But PB cannot be putting on yuyue's bra! TY got kick and he cried pails worth of tears and flooded all over kuala lumpur and PJ plus Selangor.Later on the tear was announce best in JB and some say singapure la!! Ty say dun pray pray ar!! Then thomaz say "Eh brater i watching movie ar!! Many people looking at me!! Aiyo! scared wat?!! I TAIKO maaa!!
Then BeBee called ty and scolded for being irresponsible towards christina by keeping her away from her home!!But he didn't admit cz he trying to finish dancing only think

But on mini cooper,TY drive in and order McDonalds but christina emo with TY cause eat chocolate without giving anyone. PB also wanted but TY didn't bring to PD. Yuyue ended christina's cry because TY hugged UU and PB hugged christina got emo cz bulat didn't turn right into the longkang, so ended up jumping out of PB's pocket! TY ended up broke so yuyue plan change KC into something like PB! however wrong thoughts to others and to himself.